
Go through all of the basic shapes write a blog on five things you learned about macromolecule structures

1) A fructose is a hexose(6 carbon atoms) of the ketose type: a ketohexose. Furanose or a 5-atom ring is its most stable form.
2)In the alpha helix secondary structure the peptide backbone twists forming a helix with the amino acid sidechains sticking outwards.
3)The tertiary structure is a combination of several different secondary structures on each part of the molecule. It is composed of several alpha helices, one beta sheet, formed by 3 beta strands , and zones without a regular secondary structure.
4) A hemoglobin is a protein formed by several polypeptide chains. A hemoglobin is formed by four globin subunits: alpha 1, alpha 2, beta 1, and beta 2.
5) Of a nitrogenous base adenine is a base derived from purine. To form nucleosides, nucleotides and nucleic acids is lost when a link to ribose or deoxyribose if formed.


Blog 5 Explain the difference between C3,C4, and CAM plants in terms of their photosynthesis.

C3 plants are used in the Calvin cycle to incorporate CO2 into organic material to form three-carbon compounds. C3 plants produce less sugar on hot dry days because a low level of CO2 in the leaf does not give enough "food" for the Calvin cycle to take place.

For some plant species, different modes that make photorespiration shorter and for effective in hot climates. The two most important factors for this to happen are C4 and CAM plants.

C4 plants give the Calvin cycle an alternate version of carbon fixation that forms a four-carbon compound as its first product. Unlike C3 plants C4 plants are adapted to hot dry climates. They maintain a Co2 concentration in the bundle sheath that favors photosynthesis over photorespiration. The CAM pathway is similar to the C4 path way because carbon dioxide is first incorporated into organic intermediates before it enters the Calvin cycle. They way they are different is that in C4 plants caron fixation are seperated from the Calvin cycle and in CAM plants the two steps take place within the same cell.


Blog 4 Describe how the structure of macromolecules affect their function.

First a macromolecule a giant molecule formed by the joining of smaller molecules, usually by a condensation reaction. Some are polysaccharides, proteins, and nucleic acids. The shape of their structure is consistent with their diverse functions.For example if a protein's structure is slightly changed it can affect the protein;s ability to function. When an amino acid is substituted for a normal one at a position in the primary structure of hemoglobin the protein that carries the oxygen in red blood cells can cause sickle-cell disease. In this case the structure of a macromolecule can be crucial to their function.


Blog 3 Biochemistry Wordle

Wordle: Untitled
Biochemistry is the study of structure, composition, and chemical reactions of a substance in a living structure. Because biochemistry is the study of the living structures it is important to know what makes up those structures and how they interact with each other. we know that the atomic number of an element is the number of protons in an atom and that the electrons must have the same amount of protons because there should be a balanced between the positively charged protons and the negatively charged electrons. DNA is important to a living structure because it determines the inherited genes that a child would get from the parents.


Blog 2 Ecology Unit Vocabulary

Wordle: Untitled

The unit Ecology studies the interactions between organisms and the environment. The diversity of the community is important because this way animals in environment can be balanced with consumers battling with other consumers to survive. An ecologist may examine the behavior of organisms around their environment. Fixed action pattern is a sequence of behavioral traits that the animal get in a habit to and can't change. Immigration and migration are important because if there are too many organisms in the ecosystem then there will be too much competition and many animals may die out. If there too little then the ecosystem may be abandoned because there may be not enough resources.