
Blog 8 Compare a bacteria to a virus to a prion to a protist.

Bacteria are living things. they replicate their DNA in both directions from a single point of origin. It's main process of reproduction is asexual by binary fission. Binary fission results in a population with all identical genes. When reproducing asexually mutations may occur spontaneously but are rare. Bacteria reproduces by the millions.

Viruses are parasites that only live inside a host. In the host the virus translates and transcribes proteins it needs to make new viruses. It forms thousands of new viruses and the host cell is destroyed. The virus consists of DNA or RNA enclosed in a protein coat called a capsid. The host range of a virus is the range of organisms that a virus can attack.

Prions are infectious proteins which appear in the brain and causes disease in the brain. Prions are infectious and have been known to cause brains diseases such as: mad cow disease, and Creutzfeldt- Jakob disease. Prions are slow- acting agents meaning its symptoms don't appear until years. Prions are also basically indestructible, they are not destroyed or deactivated. There is no known cure for prion diseases so they are fatal.

Protists are a diverse group including organisms that vary in size to structure. All are eukaryotes and do not fit in the fungi or plant kingdoms. They consist of single and primitive multicelled organisms including heterotrophs and autotrophs. Some carry out conjunction, which is a primitive form of sexual reproduction. Some may carry diseases such as malaria.

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