
Blog 14 Cell Diversity Wordle

Viruses is a particle made of nucleic acid, protein, and lipids that cn replicate by infecting living cells. Viruses use host cells to reproduce but can only infect a limited range of host cells called their host range. Viruses use a lock-and-key method, it fits between proteins on the outside of the virus and specific receptor molecules on the surface of cells. A phage is a virus that secifically infects bacteria, which is also called a bacteriophage. There are two different transmissions: horizontal is when a pathogen is passed from one living organism to another through bodily fluids, vertical is the spread of a disease from mother to newborn. Bacteria are microorganisms that are neither plant or animal. Transduction is a DNA transfer process when phages carry bacterial genes from a host to another. Transformation is the conversion of a normal animal cell to a cancerous cell. A viroid is a plant pathogen composed of molecules of naked circular RNA several hundred nucleotides long.

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