
Blog 9 Find exemplars of each phyla of protozoa. Get their picture and label them. Also describe their differences and unique structures.

Sporozoas are the only animal like protist can't move on their own at all, but they are moved by the current of the blood in their hosts. They reproduce sexually in one host then aswxually in the second. Sporozoas are parasites that have special organelles that invades host cells. To defend itself, they get inside a red blood cell that protects it from antibiotics of the host. They can also cause malaria.

Ciliates moves foward in a corkscrew motion and can reverse when it meets an undesirable condition, it moves rapidly by the wavelike beats of many cilia. Ciliates can reproduce sexually when two individual ciliates join at the oral grooves and exchange portions of micronuclei and each individual divides. The oral groove is where food is swept in by cilia. They eat othe protozoans, bacteria, and algae. There is a layer of tiny carrot shaped bodies called trichocysts, which discharges a long sticky thread as defense.

Flagellates are unicellular and get nutrients by eating other organisms or absorbing food molecules through cell membranes. They move by the use of flagella.

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